YEAH - I've made it to the end of this journey. I definitely have learned a lot of things along the way. But I think the two central things that I've learned is through my failure with some of these technological tools, I've learned to be empathetic with patrons who are struggling with technology and are frustrated that they are struggling. And the second thing is that there is SOOOOOO much information out there on the web. During some of these explorations, I really had to limit myself from spending too much time exploring the site and its content, otherwise I may never have gotten all 23 things (or anything else) done.
What were my favorite discoveries? Well the geographic tagging tool on Flickr was very interesting and could be used in so many different ways. I also enjoyed Thing 10 - experimenting with online image generators - Big Huge Labs was amazing - the pop art image I created of the Navy Pier Ferris Wheel looks so professional. I love LibraryThing (Thing 11), but I already loved it before embarking on this journey, so that doesn't really count as a discovery. I also think that online document creators/editors are quite useful - they negate the neccessity of purchasing very expensive Office software (take that Microsoft). And finally YouTube is amazing - you can find just about anything.
Though it was a great experience to discover all these technologies, I honestly believe there are a lot of these sites/types of sites that I will probably never go back to. I just think there's such a thing as having too much technology in your life. I'm not one of those people that can spend hours and hours just poking around the web. I get on, check my e-mail, check Facebook, etc and am typically done in less than half an hour.
So, in summary, it is definitely useful to be aware of all 23 of these Things. However, some will be in my daily life more than others.
0 Things left!!!!!!! Woohoo!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thing 15
Backtracking a bit here, Thing 15 is looking at Library 2.o. This whole 23 Things experience has been all about exploring different Web 2.0 tools and services. So Library 2.0 is taking these kind of tools and using them in libraries or using their principals of user created content to create library specific tools and models of service.
Library 2.0 is certainly a buzz word in the library world, and has been for about 4 or 5 years now (according to the Wikipedia article on Library 2.0). I think we are very much still figuring out what it is and what it means and what it looks like.
So far, the major ways I've seen libraries embracing this whole 2.0 philosophy is through things like NextGen catalogs (that allow patrons to tag and review books), blogs created/maintained by libraries, libraries posting pictures to Flickr, etc. And what do I think about this new trend? I think that anything we as libraries can do to involve patrons in our processes is definitely worth doing. This makes the library less library centered and more patron centered. Or something like that. Honestly, I'm not really sure how or why Libraries 2.0 is beneficial (or if it is even beneficial at all). I think we're all still figuring this idea out and testing it out as individual libraries to see what it can do to improve our services to patrons.
Just 1 thing left!!!
Library 2.0 is certainly a buzz word in the library world, and has been for about 4 or 5 years now (according to the Wikipedia article on Library 2.0). I think we are very much still figuring out what it is and what it means and what it looks like.
So far, the major ways I've seen libraries embracing this whole 2.0 philosophy is through things like NextGen catalogs (that allow patrons to tag and review books), blogs created/maintained by libraries, libraries posting pictures to Flickr, etc. And what do I think about this new trend? I think that anything we as libraries can do to involve patrons in our processes is definitely worth doing. This makes the library less library centered and more patron centered. Or something like that. Honestly, I'm not really sure how or why Libraries 2.0 is beneficial (or if it is even beneficial at all). I think we're all still figuring this idea out and testing it out as individual libraries to see what it can do to improve our services to patrons.
Just 1 thing left!!!
Thing 22
As an avid user of audiobooks, I've been meaning for awhile to check out sites like NetLibrary that provide downloadable audiobooks that are free to download (a library you have access to has to subscribe to the service though).
NetLibrary is an easy enough site to use. There is a browse option that breaks the 2,000+ e-audiobooks into subjects like children's fiction, humor, biography, and classics. There is also the option to browse all titles. Additionally, there is both a basic search and an advanced search option - which allow searching by title, author, keyword, subject, narrator, etc.
Though the number of e-audiobooks Net Library has avaiable seems like they have a decent collection, there were a few popular titles I searched for (both via searching and browsing) and wa not able to locate them. Most notalby, none of the Harry Potter (or anything narrated by Jim Dale) are available, which I found a bit surprising.
I think the usefullness of NetLibrary as a librarian is that it allows me to catch up on what's new while doing other things by listening to an e-audiobook. Because there are indeed too many books and too little time.
21 down, 2 to go!
NetLibrary is an easy enough site to use. There is a browse option that breaks the 2,000+ e-audiobooks into subjects like children's fiction, humor, biography, and classics. There is also the option to browse all titles. Additionally, there is both a basic search and an advanced search option - which allow searching by title, author, keyword, subject, narrator, etc.
Though the number of e-audiobooks Net Library has avaiable seems like they have a decent collection, there were a few popular titles I searched for (both via searching and browsing) and wa not able to locate them. Most notalby, none of the Harry Potter (or anything narrated by Jim Dale) are available, which I found a bit surprising.
I think the usefullness of NetLibrary as a librarian is that it allows me to catch up on what's new while doing other things by listening to an e-audiobook. Because there are indeed too many books and too little time.
21 down, 2 to go!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thing 21
Thing 21 is similar to Thing 20 (YouTube) except that instead of searching for videos on one site, I'm tasked with searching for audio files. I am not at all familiar with this (like I am with YouTube). So here goes!
Since I'm already familiar with Yahoo, I'll use Yahoo Podcasts as my podcast search engine. Except psych - Yahoo doesn't have a podcast search engine anymore. Back to the drawing board - and from there to Podcast Alley (the only of the 3 Podcast Search Engines listed on the 23 Things Blog that still exists). Except this still requires software to be downloaded so if I'm going to download software I might as well use I-tunes. Sigh... can I just go back to watching videos on YouTube?
Anyhou... waiting for I-tunes to download (and watching some sweet Sesame Street on YouTube while I wait)..... I-tunes is downloaded now (it's now importing the music on my computer into my I-tunes library. I see that there is a podcast tab.... but the podcasts in I-tunes you have to buy from the I-tunes store. So I'm giving up. I'm also giving up because I should have been in bed like half an hour ago.
Anyhou, it's quite possible that Podcasts are very useful and I'd like to learn more about them. But I'm frustrated and tired.
20 down, 3 to go!
Since I'm already familiar with Yahoo, I'll use Yahoo Podcasts as my podcast search engine. Except psych - Yahoo doesn't have a podcast search engine anymore. Back to the drawing board - and from there to Podcast Alley (the only of the 3 Podcast Search Engines listed on the 23 Things Blog that still exists). Except this still requires software to be downloaded so if I'm going to download software I might as well use I-tunes. Sigh... can I just go back to watching videos on YouTube?
Anyhou... waiting for I-tunes to download (and watching some sweet Sesame Street on YouTube while I wait)..... I-tunes is downloaded now (it's now importing the music on my computer into my I-tunes library. I see that there is a podcast tab.... but the podcasts in I-tunes you have to buy from the I-tunes store. So I'm giving up. I'm also giving up because I should have been in bed like half an hour ago.
Anyhou, it's quite possible that Podcasts are very useful and I'd like to learn more about them. But I'm frustrated and tired.
20 down, 3 to go!
Thing 20
Wow - am I really at 20 already!!?!?! Awesome!
And even more awesome is that thing 20 is exploring YouTube. I was kinda surprised this was included - doesn't EVERYONE who knows anything about the internet know about YouTube? Maybe I'm over assuming but I feel like YouTube is pretty widely used. Anyhou, I'll use this as an excuse to poke around YouTube....
Among my favorite YouTube videos are:
One Semester of Spanish Love Song -
Baby Dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies"
I also enjoy looking for clips of old TV shows... like Sesame Street ( or Animaniacs (
But I also know that YouTube can be for more than just a good laugh. There are instructional videos on anything under the sun that patrons (or librarians could use to learn a new skill).
Anyhou, I love YouTube. Who doesn't?
Thing 19, 4 to go!
And even more awesome is that thing 20 is exploring YouTube. I was kinda surprised this was included - doesn't EVERYONE who knows anything about the internet know about YouTube? Maybe I'm over assuming but I feel like YouTube is pretty widely used. Anyhou, I'll use this as an excuse to poke around YouTube....
Among my favorite YouTube videos are:
One Semester of Spanish Love Song -
Baby Dancing to Beyonce's "Single Ladies"
I also enjoy looking for clips of old TV shows... like Sesame Street ( or Animaniacs (
But I also know that YouTube can be for more than just a good laugh. There are instructional videos on anything under the sun that patrons (or librarians could use to learn a new skill).
Anyhou, I love YouTube. Who doesn't?
Thing 19, 4 to go!
Thing 19
Thing 19 is picking a Web 2.0 from the Web 2.0 Awards sponsored by The awards are broken down into 41 categories. I chose the "Fun Stuff" category since I love finding websites that make me laugh (my most recent favorite is - guaranteed for a laugh)
Under the "Fun Stuff" category, I chose On this site you can take pictures of two people and mix their faces/hairstyles. So I uploaded a headshot picture of myself and then played around a bit - I put my head on Drew Barrymore, Kate Gosslin (Jon & Kate + 8), Taylor Swift, my sister, and a friend of mine - and, in honor of Sesame Street's 40th Anniversary- ELMO! :) This could perhaps be a practical way to try out new hairstyle, but mostly I think it's a fun, easy way to do photoshopping.
I think what I enjoyed most about this site is that you don't have to create an account - which can sometimes be a barrier to patrons using various website.
18 down, 5 to go!
Under the "Fun Stuff" category, I chose On this site you can take pictures of two people and mix their faces/hairstyles. So I uploaded a headshot picture of myself and then played around a bit - I put my head on Drew Barrymore, Kate Gosslin (Jon & Kate + 8), Taylor Swift, my sister, and a friend of mine - and, in honor of Sesame Street's 40th Anniversary- ELMO! :) This could perhaps be a practical way to try out new hairstyle, but mostly I think it's a fun, easy way to do photoshopping.
I think what I enjoyed most about this site is that you don't have to create an account - which can sometimes be a barrier to patrons using various website.
18 down, 5 to go!
Thing 18
Thing 18 is expirimenting with online document creation sites (like Google Docs and Zoho Writer - I had honestly never heard of Zoho, though I have used Google Docs).
I think websites like these are great. Purchasing Microsoft Office can be somewhat expensive and so for people that only use document creation software occasionally it makes no sense to spend the money. Sites like Google Docs and Zoho have pretty much every feature that Office does.
There are also additional features (like being able to share a document between people without having multiple versions around) about these kinds of websites that make them valuable.
As far as how this might be useful as a reference librarian, I can see two diffierent uses. First, the sharing capability would be great for any kind of collaborative project (like a grant proposal or something). I can also see recommending it to patrons - saving documents on Google Docs or Zoho would eliminate the need for a flash drive for people that cannot afford one.
17 Down, 6 to go - home stretch!
I think websites like these are great. Purchasing Microsoft Office can be somewhat expensive and so for people that only use document creation software occasionally it makes no sense to spend the money. Sites like Google Docs and Zoho have pretty much every feature that Office does.
There are also additional features (like being able to share a document between people without having multiple versions around) about these kinds of websites that make them valuable.
As far as how this might be useful as a reference librarian, I can see two diffierent uses. First, the sharing capability would be great for any kind of collaborative project (like a grant proposal or something). I can also see recommending it to patrons - saving documents on Google Docs or Zoho would eliminate the need for a flash drive for people that cannot afford one.
17 Down, 6 to go - home stretch!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thing 17
In Thing 17, we continue on with the trend from Thing 16 of expirimenting with wikis. Except this time, I need to try to figure out how to edit it a wiki. I tried the 23 things wiki but I'm thinking that now that the official program is over that the wiki is no longer available for editing (because I created a PBwiki account but now all I can do is comment - I don't have the option to edit the page).
So why not see if I can edit the all powerful Wikipedia - the encyclopedia of the people, by the people, for the people.... While I didn't actually edit anything, it definitely seems pretty straightforward to do. I created an account, found a random article, clicked on "edit this page" and voila - there was a document I could edit. Oh the power! It's almost a bit scary how simple it is to edit Wikipedia. Though I've done research and I believe you can be sanctioned or banned from editing if you make too many malicious edits on Wikipedia. So it's not a complete free-for-all....
Another technology related thing I didn't know how to do before beginning this project! :)
17 down, 6 to go!
So why not see if I can edit the all powerful Wikipedia - the encyclopedia of the people, by the people, for the people.... While I didn't actually edit anything, it definitely seems pretty straightforward to do. I created an account, found a random article, clicked on "edit this page" and voila - there was a document I could edit. Oh the power! It's almost a bit scary how simple it is to edit Wikipedia. Though I've done research and I believe you can be sanctioned or banned from editing if you make too many malicious edits on Wikipedia. So it's not a complete free-for-all....
Another technology related thing I didn't know how to do before beginning this project! :)
17 down, 6 to go!
Thing 16
No, I didn't forget how to count. According to the outline laid by my instructor for the course I'm doing this blog for, I'm supposed to skip thing 15 (for now) and move along to 16. So stay tuned for thing 15. How's that for a cliff hanger?
OK, so thing 16 is wikis. Sure we've all heard of Wikipedia, but do we really understand the Wiki part? At my last place of employment, we had an internal wiki that was used for procedural type information (that didn't really fit in official documents like company policy etc) It seemed to be mostly managers that edited and added content to it, but it was still quite useful.
Anyhou, so I poked around one of the example wikis suggested by the 23 things blog - I looked at the wiki for Bull Run library in VA. It was interesting because I'm not sure it's a true wiki. The "about the wiki" page says it's only being edited by 1 person - and that person isn't even a library staff person..... It was also interesting because it had an odd hodgepodge of content. There was typical stuff (information on programming, new books, etc there was also random stuff like basic spanish phrases..... Helpful information, though a library wiki is probably not the first place I would think to look.
So using wikis in a public library environment. I think they could be used for staff information - such as I described as being done at my previou workplace, but I think they could also be used for book reviews, event promotion, policy info, and a whole host of other things.
15 down, 8 to go!
OK, so thing 16 is wikis. Sure we've all heard of Wikipedia, but do we really understand the Wiki part? At my last place of employment, we had an internal wiki that was used for procedural type information (that didn't really fit in official documents like company policy etc) It seemed to be mostly managers that edited and added content to it, but it was still quite useful.
Anyhou, so I poked around one of the example wikis suggested by the 23 things blog - I looked at the wiki for Bull Run library in VA. It was interesting because I'm not sure it's a true wiki. The "about the wiki" page says it's only being edited by 1 person - and that person isn't even a library staff person..... It was also interesting because it had an odd hodgepodge of content. There was typical stuff (information on programming, new books, etc there was also random stuff like basic spanish phrases..... Helpful information, though a library wiki is probably not the first place I would think to look.
So using wikis in a public library environment. I think they could be used for staff information - such as I described as being done at my previou workplace, but I think they could also be used for book reviews, event promotion, policy info, and a whole host of other things.
15 down, 8 to go!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thing 14
Topic of my 14th delve into the Web 2.0 World: Technorati. Technorati is essentially Google for blogs. You can search for either blogs, blog posts, or blog tags (though I wasn't able to locate where you search for tags - I found the list of "popular tags used on Technorati in the last month, but it was browsable, not searchable). And I found some interesting blogs (and on one of them discovered that there is an official White House photostream on Flickr).
Is Technorati useful as a librarian? It's another way to find information on the internet. And I'm sure I could find some very good blogs out there that would have great information about technology, books, book reviews, and other things applicable to my job and my field. I don't feel like I would use it much with assisting patrons. If a person is coming to me asking for help finding information, a blog is probably not a good place to look - maybe I'm wrong.
One thing I'm beginning to realize is that there is just SO MUCH information on the internet. You could spend hours and hours and hours and just touch the surface of what's out there. I am feeling so overwhelmed right now.
14 down, 9 to go!
Is Technorati useful as a librarian? It's another way to find information on the internet. And I'm sure I could find some very good blogs out there that would have great information about technology, books, book reviews, and other things applicable to my job and my field. I don't feel like I would use it much with assisting patrons. If a person is coming to me asking for help finding information, a blog is probably not a good place to look - maybe I'm wrong.
One thing I'm beginning to realize is that there is just SO MUCH information on the internet. You could spend hours and hours and hours and just touch the surface of what's out there. I am feeling so overwhelmed right now.
14 down, 9 to go!
Thing 13
Delicious is one of those sites I've been meaning to experiment with and start using. Anyone I talk to about it thinks its the best thing since sliced bread. I think it could be quite useful for reference work. You can bookmark sites once, organize them and then they'll be accessible from every reference desk computer.
So I decided to do a little experimenting with it. I use firefox as my browser, so I downloaded the firefox add on so that I can bookmark sites as I go (and when I bookmark them a helpful little window pops up where I can tag them right away). Delicious seems to be pretty easy to use. I also like the fact that you can see how others have tagged sites - and then you can click on their tags to find other sites they've tagged that way. When you bookmark a site, you are also given suggestions for tags.
Two thumbs way up for Deliscious!!
13 down, 10 to go
So I decided to do a little experimenting with it. I use firefox as my browser, so I downloaded the firefox add on so that I can bookmark sites as I go (and when I bookmark them a helpful little window pops up where I can tag them right away). Delicious seems to be pretty easy to use. I also like the fact that you can see how others have tagged sites - and then you can click on their tags to find other sites they've tagged that way. When you bookmark a site, you are also given suggestions for tags.
Two thumbs way up for Deliscious!!
13 down, 10 to go
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thing 12
So I'm over the halfway point in this technology journey. It definitely has been an adventure to explore all these different sites and tools - some useful personally and/or professionally, others just plain fun.
Thing 12 is creating my own personal search engine based on sites that I prefer to use. This reminds me somewhat of bookmarking sites (like Delicious) except that instead of just saving them to use later, you can actually search them. So I went to It is possible to use this search engine with out creating your own.... and you can choose a category you want to search (gossip, tehcnology, parenting, health, etc....)
Creating a search roll is pretty painless. You name it, type in the URLs you want to be part of your roll (up to 25), select a category & add tags (if you want - these last two steps are completely optional) and BAM a search roll is born. I like that you don't HAVE to create an account to create a roll. However, after I created my roll, I realized I had neglected some sites and wanted to add them. I tried to click on the edit option, but it didn't work, so I thought if I registered for an account, I'd be able to edit my roll.
After I registered, I opted not to fill out the remainder of my profile, and then waited for the page to load.....several times Rollyo was slow to load, and I received page load errors a few times too. Even after I was registered and logged in, I still couldn't use the "edit search roll option" so I tried the dashboard - where I was able to add sites, but by this point I had forgotten some of the sites I wanted to add, and then once I clicked that Iwas done editing, the page again took forever to load. I closed the site, and then re-opened it to find that on the main search page there were 2 copies of my search roll. I clicked on dashboard to see what was going on. And then got another page load error. So, I'm giving up on Rollyo!
Perhaps this could be a very useful site and maybe it's just my computer.... but I'm frustrated so am ending my post on Thing 12 here. This does give me good perspective when assisting patrons who are encountering difficulties with technology.
12 down, 11 to go - over the halfway mark!
Thing 12 is creating my own personal search engine based on sites that I prefer to use. This reminds me somewhat of bookmarking sites (like Delicious) except that instead of just saving them to use later, you can actually search them. So I went to It is possible to use this search engine with out creating your own.... and you can choose a category you want to search (gossip, tehcnology, parenting, health, etc....)
Creating a search roll is pretty painless. You name it, type in the URLs you want to be part of your roll (up to 25), select a category & add tags (if you want - these last two steps are completely optional) and BAM a search roll is born. I like that you don't HAVE to create an account to create a roll. However, after I created my roll, I realized I had neglected some sites and wanted to add them. I tried to click on the edit option, but it didn't work, so I thought if I registered for an account, I'd be able to edit my roll.
After I registered, I opted not to fill out the remainder of my profile, and then waited for the page to load.....several times Rollyo was slow to load, and I received page load errors a few times too. Even after I was registered and logged in, I still couldn't use the "edit search roll option" so I tried the dashboard - where I was able to add sites, but by this point I had forgotten some of the sites I wanted to add, and then once I clicked that Iwas done editing, the page again took forever to load. I closed the site, and then re-opened it to find that on the main search page there were 2 copies of my search roll. I clicked on dashboard to see what was going on. And then got another page load error. So, I'm giving up on Rollyo!
Perhaps this could be a very useful site and maybe it's just my computer.... but I'm frustrated so am ending my post on Thing 12 here. This does give me good perspective when assisting patrons who are encountering difficulties with technology.
12 down, 11 to go - over the halfway mark!
Thing 11
Now we come to a website that I absolutely ADORE. I was introduced to LibraryThing a number of years ago by a friend who is an avid reader. Ever since then I've become a LibraryThing addict.
If you're not familiar with LibraryThing - shame on you! :) Just kidding.... LibraryThing is a book lover's paradise. As a Type A personality, I thoroughly enjoy the fact that you can catalog your personal library - which I have definitely done and always catalog new books when I get them. Here's my catalog on LibraryThing Though I use the catalog to keep track of what I have, I know of others that use the catalog feature as a "reading log" of sorts - things they've read and things they want to read.
But there are tons of other aspects to LibraryThing (the catalog is what I love the most). There are groups, discussion boards, recommendations.... I just discovered that I can see what series, awards, characters, and places are part of my library which I think is pretty cool.
I've used this site several times in my work as a reference assistant when doing Reader's Advisory. NoveList is often slow to load on our reference desk computers, so I'll often use the reccomendations portion of LibraryThing as an alternative.
So in summary, I LOVE LIBRARYTHING because of it's usefulness both personally and professonally!!! :)
11 down, 12 to go!
If you're not familiar with LibraryThing - shame on you! :) Just kidding.... LibraryThing is a book lover's paradise. As a Type A personality, I thoroughly enjoy the fact that you can catalog your personal library - which I have definitely done and always catalog new books when I get them. Here's my catalog on LibraryThing Though I use the catalog to keep track of what I have, I know of others that use the catalog feature as a "reading log" of sorts - things they've read and things they want to read.
But there are tons of other aspects to LibraryThing (the catalog is what I love the most). There are groups, discussion boards, recommendations.... I just discovered that I can see what series, awards, characters, and places are part of my library which I think is pretty cool.
I've used this site several times in my work as a reference assistant when doing Reader's Advisory. NoveList is often slow to load on our reference desk computers, so I'll often use the reccomendations portion of LibraryThing as an alternative.
So in summary, I LOVE LIBRARYTHING because of it's usefulness both personally and professonally!!! :)
11 down, 12 to go!
Thing 10
So things 10, 11, and 12 are labeled as "play week" and this was definitely the case with thing 10. My task for thing 10 was to experiment with an online image generator. An online image generator is basically where you take either your own photos or photos the site provides and do funny/funky things with them.
I tried out Big Huge Labs and enjoyed this site alot ( There are tons of different "effects" you can do - make your photo into a puzzle, a collage, a mosaic, an inspirational poster, etc etc etc. Once you select the effect, you can then either upload photos from your computer OR use photos you've already uploaded to Flickr, Facebook, or Photobucket (I really liked this option of using photos I had on other sites). Once you've decided on the photo, it's just a couple more clicks and voila - you have a photo work of art.

Example A: I took a picture that a friend of mine snapped of the Navy Pier Ferris wheel and used the pop art effect. I think it turned out pretty neat!:)
Anyhou, so I'm not really sure how knowing how to do cool things with pictures could help me in a library setting (other than knowing the tool exists and how to use it should patrons ask about it) But what I am sure is that it was a great time expirimenting with this technology!
10 Things down, 13 Things to go.
I tried out Big Huge Labs and enjoyed this site alot ( There are tons of different "effects" you can do - make your photo into a puzzle, a collage, a mosaic, an inspirational poster, etc etc etc. Once you select the effect, you can then either upload photos from your computer OR use photos you've already uploaded to Flickr, Facebook, or Photobucket (I really liked this option of using photos I had on other sites). Once you've decided on the photo, it's just a couple more clicks and voila - you have a photo work of art.

Example A: I took a picture that a friend of mine snapped of the Navy Pier Ferris wheel and used the pop art effect. I think it turned out pretty neat!:)
Anyhou, so I'm not really sure how knowing how to do cool things with pictures could help me in a library setting (other than knowing the tool exists and how to use it should patrons ask about it) But what I am sure is that it was a great time expirimenting with this technology!
10 Things down, 13 Things to go.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thing 9
Thing 9 is continuing to explore Bloglines and RSS feeds, more specifically finding blogs that are not listed in Bloglines and adding those to my feed. I first tried searching Bloglines for more blogs to add to my feed. I just simply searched for "library" and was able to find a Library Journal book review blog, which could be really helpful. Once I found the blog and clicked on it, I was brought to the actual homepage of the blog, where it was then easy enough to subsribe to the RSS feed (there was a lot of clicking to do though, which I find annoying sometimes).
Finding a blog outside of Bloglines and then adding it to my feeds was a little more difficult. I went to a blog of a radio station that I listen to, clicked on "subscribe to our RSS feed", elected to subscribe to the blog via Bloglines, which brought me to the now somewhat familiar Bloglines subscribe page, and then I don't recall what happened after that but the blog wasn't added to my feed. I then elected to just subsribe on Bloglines using the URL of the blog. I tried doing this process for a second blog, and it worked as it should without having to go the URL route so I don't know what I did wrong.
So how does finding new blogs and adding them to my Blogline feed benefit me/help me do my job as a librarian better? Well I suppose the generic answer is that I know how to do it and thus can help patrons do so. It is also beneficial to be aware of blogs as another potential source of information and to know how to find the information that's available within blogs efficiently. And I'm sure there's tons of other reasons for me to have this knowledge as well, but these two are the most obvious for me at this moment.
9 down, 14 to go.
Finding a blog outside of Bloglines and then adding it to my feeds was a little more difficult. I went to a blog of a radio station that I listen to, clicked on "subscribe to our RSS feed", elected to subscribe to the blog via Bloglines, which brought me to the now somewhat familiar Bloglines subscribe page, and then I don't recall what happened after that but the blog wasn't added to my feed. I then elected to just subsribe on Bloglines using the URL of the blog. I tried doing this process for a second blog, and it worked as it should without having to go the URL route so I don't know what I did wrong.
So how does finding new blogs and adding them to my Blogline feed benefit me/help me do my job as a librarian better? Well I suppose the generic answer is that I know how to do it and thus can help patrons do so. It is also beneficial to be aware of blogs as another potential source of information and to know how to find the information that's available within blogs efficiently. And I'm sure there's tons of other reasons for me to have this knowledge as well, but these two are the most obvious for me at this moment.
9 down, 14 to go.
Thing 8
Thing #8 is experimenting with Bloglines, which is a site that allows you to see if there are new posts on many individual blogs without having to go to each blog separately. There are tons of popular blogs listed on Bloglines that you can simply select OR you have the option of typing/pasting in a URL of any blog that isn't listed. This site was definitely user friendly enough.... And if I were a follower of blogs, I think this could have great benefits - time saving galore. As a librarian, this site is a great way to keep up with new things - technology, books, current events, things in the library science realm, etc. Now if only there were a similar site for e-mail so I wouldn't have to check 3 different e-mail addresses! :) (And yes, I know I could have mail forwarded but it's easier for me to keep them seperate because 1 I use for school, 1 I use for junk, and the 3rd I use for personal stuff & work.)
8 down, 15 to go!
8 down, 15 to go!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thing 7
So Thing 7 is talking about ANYTHING technology related..... that sure is open-ended.....
Hmmm..... well this may be a little out there BUT..... this past weekend I went and cheered my sister on as she ran a marathon. The technology related part is that each runner is given a band to put on their shoes (or around their ankle for some runners who ran barefoot....that's another story). This band has some sort of chip or something in it that recorded her time as she crossed the finish line. Not only that though, but I was just looking at the results online and it also recorded her time at 2 other points during the race....... This makes me think about track and field days back in elementary school when they had to have multiple people with stop watches. Oh how times have changed! (And I'm only 24 by the times have changed rather quickly)
7 down, 16 to go!
Hmmm..... well this may be a little out there BUT..... this past weekend I went and cheered my sister on as she ran a marathon. The technology related part is that each runner is given a band to put on their shoes (or around their ankle for some runners who ran barefoot....that's another story). This band has some sort of chip or something in it that recorded her time as she crossed the finish line. Not only that though, but I was just looking at the results online and it also recorded her time at 2 other points during the race....... This makes me think about track and field days back in elementary school when they had to have multiple people with stop watches. Oh how times have changed! (And I'm only 24 by the times have changed rather quickly)
7 down, 16 to go!
Thing 6
More fun with photos - this time it's Flickr 3rd party applications and mashups. There are a couple different ones discussed in the 23 Things instructions for this week. One, Mappr, seems to have been superseded by Flickr's geotagging function (see my last post for discussion of this) and once you go to the site, it pretty much doesn't exist.
Another Flickr Color Picker is quite interesting in that you choose a color from a pallete (and there are many different palletes) and it will find and stream pictures from Flickr that are that color. It was really interesting to expiriment with the different patterns.....
The one I found most interesting though was Montagr This tool creates mosaics of pictures that have the tag you type into the search box. And if that wasn't cool enough, the shape of the mosaic IS a picture from Flickr (that also has the tag you typed in. You can also mouse over all the little pictures and see them a little bigger. If you click on the small photo, that photo will become the "model" for the mosaic - so amazing. I am completely in awe of the person that thought this up and then actually had the techie know how to do it. Makes me feel like a doofus when it comes to technology!
6 down, 17 to go!
Another Flickr Color Picker is quite interesting in that you choose a color from a pallete (and there are many different palletes) and it will find and stream pictures from Flickr that are that color. It was really interesting to expiriment with the different patterns.....
The one I found most interesting though was Montagr This tool creates mosaics of pictures that have the tag you type into the search box. And if that wasn't cool enough, the shape of the mosaic IS a picture from Flickr (that also has the tag you typed in. You can also mouse over all the little pictures and see them a little bigger. If you click on the small photo, that photo will become the "model" for the mosaic - so amazing. I am completely in awe of the person that thought this up and then actually had the techie know how to do it. Makes me feel like a doofus when it comes to technology!
6 down, 17 to go!
Thing 5
Though I don't have a ton of experience with Flickr, I do use other photo sites (such as the photos area on Facebook and Snapfish) so as I was reading through the Flickr tool, a lot of it was very familiar. What is different on Flickr than on different sites I've used is the tags (but I'm familiar with Tags from LibraryThing.... and Blogspot), the organizational scheme (I'm used to photos only being allowed to be in one album, instead of sets and collections).
The most intruiging feature I discovered that is different from other photo sites I've used is the geographical tagging tool. I think this is amazing! I think this has great possibilities for tourists....though in exploring this, I also found photos that really didn't have anything to do with the geographical location it was tagged with.
Anyhou, so I decided to use this feature and find some fun pictures. I grew up in rural southern Minnesota and thought I'd see if there were any photos geotagged around my hometown - suprisingly enough, I found an interesting picture. Near where I grew up, a wind farm has recently been built....and there is a set of photos of the windmills. One of the pictures (the best in the bunch) is geographically tagged:
Though libraries can definitely use Flickr to post pictures of their library/events and such, I'm not sure the geotagging tool is helpful for PR uses.... but I still think it's cool! Perhaps it could be a reference tool though....
5 down, 18 to go!
The most intruiging feature I discovered that is different from other photo sites I've used is the geographical tagging tool. I think this is amazing! I think this has great possibilities for tourists....though in exploring this, I also found photos that really didn't have anything to do with the geographical location it was tagged with.
Anyhou, so I decided to use this feature and find some fun pictures. I grew up in rural southern Minnesota and thought I'd see if there were any photos geotagged around my hometown - suprisingly enough, I found an interesting picture. Near where I grew up, a wind farm has recently been built....and there is a set of photos of the windmills. One of the pictures (the best in the bunch) is geographically tagged:
Though libraries can definitely use Flickr to post pictures of their library/events and such, I'm not sure the geotagging tool is helpful for PR uses.... but I still think it's cool! Perhaps it could be a reference tool though....
5 down, 18 to go!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Thing 4 - 2nd Try
Alright, so I'm only on blog post #2 and have already experienced a technological hiccup. I started a post and thought I saved a draft of it, had to close out of my internet window and shut down my computer (because other websites I was looking at were giving me difficulty). I then returned to this blog and couldn't find my draft. Thoughts anyone? Anyhou, here we go again.
So Thing #4 should be registering this blog with PLCMC Central but instead I'm exploring Twitter (as the professor of the class I have the opportunity to go on this journey as a part of suggested we do). And I welcome the chance to become familiar with Twitter. It's one of those things that has been on my technology radar for awhile, but being a Facebook junkie, I just haven't gotten around to it since in my mind Twitter and Facebook (and MySpace for that matter) are the same thing manifested differently - ways for people to be connected to each other.
So Twitter seems easy enough on the surface..... create an account, tell people what you're up to, find people to follow you and people to follow (so you're connected), and voila - you're twittering. But like so many other technological things, there are so many things beyond the basics. For instance, I located a friend (and fellow librarian) that I knew was on Twitter. And some of her tweets have the pound sign (#) before a word, which causes that word to be hyperlinked..... It must be a search term, but I don't understand how that term relates to her posts.....
I guess this makes me realize that technology that is second nature to me (such as e-mail) could be something completely new to a patron. Thus, I need to be understanding of varying degrees of technology literate-ness and not "talk down" to those that aren't tech saavy. Because I'm sure there are those that are reading this blog post and going - duh Morgan, you can retrieve your post drafts right here.
4 things down, 19 to go!
So Thing #4 should be registering this blog with PLCMC Central but instead I'm exploring Twitter (as the professor of the class I have the opportunity to go on this journey as a part of suggested we do). And I welcome the chance to become familiar with Twitter. It's one of those things that has been on my technology radar for awhile, but being a Facebook junkie, I just haven't gotten around to it since in my mind Twitter and Facebook (and MySpace for that matter) are the same thing manifested differently - ways for people to be connected to each other.
So Twitter seems easy enough on the surface..... create an account, tell people what you're up to, find people to follow you and people to follow (so you're connected), and voila - you're twittering. But like so many other technological things, there are so many things beyond the basics. For instance, I located a friend (and fellow librarian) that I knew was on Twitter. And some of her tweets have the pound sign (#) before a word, which causes that word to be hyperlinked..... It must be a search term, but I don't understand how that term relates to her posts.....
I guess this makes me realize that technology that is second nature to me (such as e-mail) could be something completely new to a patron. Thus, I need to be understanding of varying degrees of technology literate-ness and not "talk down" to those that aren't tech saavy. Because I'm sure there are those that are reading this blog post and going - duh Morgan, you can retrieve your post drafts right here.
4 things down, 19 to go!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Things 1, 2 and 3
23 Things...... that seems like alot. But I'm up for the journey. There's so much to know about technology, and often it's essential to be knowledgeable in order to serve library patrons better. So I'm hoping to learn a lot through this adventure and pass that information onto others.
So, Thing #1 - Figure out what I'm getting myself into (ie learn what 23 Things is all about). And the answer is lots of different technologies. I could cheat and look ahead and see exactly what each Thing is (what technology), but where would the fun be in that? 1 Thing down, 22 to go.
Thing #2 - 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners. What do people who continually learn (that really do learn something new everyday) have in common? Well at least 7 1/2 things apparently. Those habits are: Begin with the end in mind , Accept responsibility for your own learning , View problems as challenges , Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner , Create your own learning toolbox , Use technology to your advantage , Teach/mentor others , and Play. Personally, the easiest of these for me is to accept responsibility. I'm not a person that expects people to do things for me or one who blames things on other people. If I set my mind to do something, I'M going to do it. The hardest though, is the playing part. I'm a work-a-holic, and rarely take time for myself to just explore and have some fun even though I can definitely see how playing is a part of learning. Anyhou, 2 Things down 21 to go.
Thing #3 - Set up a blog and post - check that off the list (though I could maybe add more to my profile....not now though)! 3 Things down, 20 to go.
Untill next week....
So, Thing #1 - Figure out what I'm getting myself into (ie learn what 23 Things is all about). And the answer is lots of different technologies. I could cheat and look ahead and see exactly what each Thing is (what technology), but where would the fun be in that? 1 Thing down, 22 to go.
Thing #2 - 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners. What do people who continually learn (that really do learn something new everyday) have in common? Well at least 7 1/2 things apparently. Those habits are: Begin with the end in mind
Thing #3 - Set up a blog and post - check that off the list (though I could maybe add more to my profile....not now though)! 3 Things down, 20 to go.
Untill next week....
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